
Angela Nuovo
Angela Nuovo is Principal Investigator of EMoBookTrade and professor of History of the Book at the University of Milan. She has been Visiting Fellow at All Souls College, University of Oxford, in 2012, and the recipient of an Ahmanson Research Fellowship at the University of California Los Angeles in 2014.
In 2016 she has been Gastprofessur für Italienische Literatur und Kulturwissenschaft (Cattedra de Sanctis) at ETH (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zurich). Among her recent publications: The Book Trade in the Italian Renaissance (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2013; paperback edition 2015) and with Christian Coppens, I Giolito e la stampa nell’Italia del XVI secolo (Genève: Droz, 2005).

Francesco Ammannati
Francesco Ammannati has a Ph.D. in Analysis and historicization of production processes (Economic History). He received a degree in Economics at the University of Florence in 2003 with a thesis in Economic History entitled “The labour books of Andrea di Carlo di messer Bartolomeo and Co. (1470-1476)”, a case-study which aimed to reconstruct the activity of a wool workshop acting in Prato in the second half of the Fifteenth century; and a Ph.D. at the University of Bari in 2007 (doctoral dissertation “The Arte della lana in Florence During the 16th Century – Comparative Analysis of the Production and Productivity Through the Busini Partnerships’ Account Books”). His main research field is the pre-industrial European Economic history (13th-18th centuries); his scientific interests include in particular the history of manufacture and trade, with a focus on guilds, labour market and international merchant networks. He is also concerned about the evolution of the accounting practices between Late Middle Age and Early Modern Time. He taught as an adjunct professor the “Economic History” course at the University of Florence and since 2005 has collaborated with the Fondazione Istituto di Storia Economica “F. Datini” in Prato. At present, he is a Research Fellow of the ERC funded project EINITE (Economic Inequality in Italy and Europe, 1300-1800) at the Carlo F. Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics of the L. Bocconi University in Milan.

Giliola Barbero
Giliola Barbero obtained a Ph.D. in Literature of Italian Humanism at the University of Messina with a thesis about Gasparino Barzizza’s Orthographia. From 1995 to 2008 she has worked as curator in Ambrosiana Library. Since 2005 she has managed the Censimento dei manoscritti medievali della Lombardia and for the Italian Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico she collaborated in the design of the national software Manus OnLine. She teaches IT for Cultural Heritage at the Catholic University of Milan. In the last years her main research subject has been the study of 16th century editions of Bernardino Telesio’s works, a project promoted by the Centro Internazionale di Studi Telesiani, Bruniani e Campanelliani (Cosenza). For this purpose, travelling through European libraries, she described about 400 books and studied catalogues of ancient libraries, commercial enterprises and fairs. The Census is going to be published in Paris by Les belles lettres.

Marco Bertagna
Marco Bertagna graduated in Hebrew Language and Civilization in 2004, then attended courses on Hebrew codicology and palaeography, studying in particular Hebrew grammatical manuscripts and early lexicons. He has been working for Italian publishing houses since 2006 as a layouter and editor, mainly on books dealing with History of Religion, Philosophy, Jewish and Christian Studies. He joined the EmoBookTrade team to work on the prices of Hebrew books sold by Daniel Bomberg, as recorded in the sales catalogue reported by Gesner. He is taking part (2018-ongoing) in another ERC project, 15cBOOKTRADE, focusing on Hebrew incunables.
Andrea Bocchi
Andrea Bocchi graduated in History of Italian Language at the University of Pisa in 1989, studied at the Scuola Normale Superiore and Universität des Saarlandes, obtained his PhD at the Scuola Normale Superiore (2003) and University of Pisa (2010). Since 2011, he teaches at the University of Udine. He published commercial, mathematical, literary, and administrative documents from mediaeval Marche, Umbria, Tuscany, Veneto and worked also on modern texts (G. Mazzini, A. Manzoni). His most recent books focus on the European history of the word ‘demagogue’ (L’eterno demagogo, Turin, 2011); a 14th-century Latin-Italian dictionary (Il glossario di Cristiano da Camerino, Padua, 2015); the plays of a Venetian dramatist (Francesco Griselini, Teatro, Pisa, 2015). He is currently working on late mediaeval documents from Fano, Camerino and Ancona, the 15th-century portolano by Grazioso Benincasa, and the works of Michelangelo Florio. In EMoBookTrade he will provide assistance on linguistic issues for the publication of the Gabiano papers.

Diane Booton
Diane Booton (PhD Art History, New York University; MS Library and Information Science, Simmons College) researches the production, market, and transmission of ideas in manuscripts and printed books, primarily in medieval and early modern France. She has received grants from the Gerda Henkel Stiftung, Bibliographical Society of America, Bibliographical Society (UK), British Academy, National Endowment for the Humanities, Princeton University Library, and the Printing Historical Society. She has curatorial and library experience from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the J. Paul Getty Museum, Walters Art Museum, and Harvard University Libraries. Her publications include Publishing Networks in France in the Early Era of Print (2018) and Manuscripts, Market and the Transition to Print in Late Medieval Brittany (2010). She joined the EMoBookTrade research team in January 2021 to study booksellers’ catalogues from mid sixteenth-century Paris.

Flavia Bruni
Flavia Bruni is a specialised librarian at the Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and Bibliographic Information (ICCU) and an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of St Andrews. She has a Master in History of the Reformation from the Sapienza University of Rome, a Master in Early Printed Books from the University of Siena, a PhD from Bologna and the diploma from the Vatican Library School. From 2009 to 2015 she worked as a Research Assistant for the Universal Short Title Catalogue project of the University of St Andrews. In 2015-2016 she was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Sapienza University of Rome for the ENBaCH – European Network for Baroque Cultural Heritage. Her research focuses on the history of books and libraries in Early Modern Italy alongside a longstanding interest and experience in the digital humanities for what concerns the digitisation of manuscript and printed books, text encoding and digital preservation. She joined the EmoBookTrade team to work on the stock book of the Venetian publisher and bookseller Bernardino Giunti (EMoBookTrade Objective 2).

Francesca De Battisti
Francesca De Battisti (PhD in Statistics, University of Trento) is Assistant Professor of Statistics at the Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods of the University of Milan.
Her main research interests focus on evaluation of service quality, evaluation of customer and job satisfaction, evaluation of occupational outcome, analysis of inequality measures, time series, bibliometrics, Rasch model (methodological aspects and application in customer satisfaction survey data), PLS-SEM models to investigate latent constructs and their relationships, and in general statistics for the social sciences. Prof. De Battisti joined the EMoBookTrade research team in October 2018.

Jasenka Gudelj
Jasenka Gudelj is Associate professor at the University of Zagreb. She obtained her PhD from School of Advanced Studies Venice and was a postdoctoral fellow at University of Pittsburgh and Bibliotheca Hertziana, Rome. Her book European Renaissance of Ancient Pula (Zagreb, 2014, Croatian National prize for Science) explores the critical fortune of antiquities of Pula in the Renaissance art&architecture. Her other publications include four edited volumes and numerous articles on the circulation of architectural knowledge, its media and networks. She is currently PI of the Croatian Science Foundation research project Visualizing Nationhood: the Schiavoni/Illyrian Confraternities and Colleges in Italy and the Artistic Exchange with South East Europe. The EMoBookTrade project hosts her as visiting scholar for spring semester 2018 within the ERC Support programme for researchers for the application to European Research Council programmes (Call identifier 11-2017), in order to study the trade in architectural books, especially in the Eastern Adriatic Area.

Saskia Limbach
Saskia Limbach received her PhD from the University of St Andrews and was, until recently, part of a digital humanities project, at the University of Mainz, which trained neuronal networks to recognise font groups in early printed books. From 2012-2016 she has been an editor at the USTC project in St Andrews and enriched the corpus of the database by finding hitherto unrecorded broadsheet editions printed in the Holy Roman Empire. Saskia’s research addresses the economic and legal conditions that shaped book production in sixteenth-century Germany. She specialises in financial transactions between clients and printers, the production and distribution of government print and the interaction of printers and academics. Saskia was fortunate to receive generous funding for her work from the AHRC, the MPI for European Legal History, the Royal Historical Society, the German History Society and the Bibliographical Society. Her monograph ‘Government Use of Print. Official Publications in the Holy Roman Empire’ will be published at the MPI for European Legal History in late 2020. From September – December 2020 she is a Mercator Fellow at the University of Heidelberg where she works closely with the project ‘Material Text Cultures’.

Renaud Milazzo
Renaud Milazzo obtained his Ph.D. in History, Art History and Archaeology at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines with a thesis about the emblem book market in Europe over the period between 1531-1750 (Tutor: Prof. Chantal Grell). His dissertation will soon be published in the series Bibliologia by Brepols (Turnhout, Belgium). Dr Milazzo has published articles on topics related to the sale of emblem books printed by Christopher Plantin and Jan Moretus I, based on the archives of the Museum Plantin-Moretus in Antwerp. He joined the EMoBookTrade project team in July 2018 through the special project EMoEuropeBookPrices (funded by FARE-MIUR, Italy) with the goal of studying the manuscript catalogue of book prices recorded by Christopher Plantin and Jan Moretus I (1555–1593 ca.) at the Museum Plantin-Moretus in Antwerp.

Andrea Ottone
Andrea Ottone earned a Bachelor in Philosophy from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and a PhD from the University of Naples “Federico II” with a dissertation on book circulation within the southern Italian province of the Carthusian Order in late sixteenth century. In the framework of the RICI programme, a project concerned with the book holdings of the regular clergy in late Cinquecento Italy, he focused on the libraries of the Augustinian Order. He taught Western Civilization, European and World History as a Graduate Teaching Associate at the Ohio State University. He has published on topics related to book history, readership and censorship; his research interests also include the history of technology and the social history of Venice. Within the EMoBookTrade project he will study the stock book of Bernardo di Bernardo Giunti, publisher and bookseller in Venice.

Laura Pani
Laura Pani is Professor of Latin Palaeography at the University of Udine, where she entered in 1994 as a lecturer; she is regular professor for the courses of Latin Palaeography, Advanced Latin Paleography and Diplomatics. Her research activity is focused on the history of Latin handwriting in the Middle Ages; she deals with manuscript traditions (particularly with Paul the Deacon’s Historia Langobardorum), with carolingian manuscripts and writing centres and with the edition of documentary sources. She is chief editor of Scrineum Rivista. In 2012, she happened to discover that the manuscript London, British Library, Harley 5383, a rather obscure 14th century copy of Paul the Deacon’s Historia Langobardorum, is entirely autograph by Giovanni Boccaccio. This discovery, also enhanced by the Italian press, allowed her to work further on Boccaccio’s handwriting, books and library. As a member of the Permanent International Workshop on Cursive Handwriting, she is specialized in cursive handwritings from the Early Middle Ages up to the methods of teaching and learning handwriting in Italian schools during the 19th and 20th centuries. She joined the EMoBookTrade project team in order to study the evidence of literacy and written culture emerging from Gabiano’s Papers.

Goran Proot
Goran Proot obtained his Ph.D. in Language and Literature at the University of Antwerp with a thesis about Jesuit theater in the Southern Netherlands from the period 1575–1773. He has been director of the Short Title Catalogue Flanders project (STCV), a major bibliographical project documenting all pre–1801 hand-press books published in Flanders. He is editor-in-chief of the book historical journal De Gulden Passer, and he is president of the Flanders Book Historical Society. He has worked as curator of rare books at Antwerp University Library (2003–2009). In 2012 he became Andrew W. Mellon Curator of Rare Books at the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, DC. In 2014 he moved to the Bibliothèque Mazarine in Paris, where he directed the digital library and the conservation laboratory. On 1 November 2016, he joined the EMoBookTrade project funded by the ERC about the 16th-c. book trade under the direction of prof. Angela Nuovo at the Università di Udine, Italy. During the coming years, he will survey book prices from the period 1555–1630 in the archives of Christopher Plantin and his successors at the Museum Plantin-Moretus in Antwerp, in addition to French printed publishers’ and booksellers’ catalogues.

Erika Squassina
Erika Squassina graduated in Archival and Library Science in 2011, and four years later she obtained her Ph.D. in Book History at the University of Udine with a thesis about the privilege system in Venice over the period between 1469-1545 (tutor: prof. Angela Nuovo). Since 2013 she has worked as teaching assistant in the courses of Book History and Library Science at the same University of Udine. Since March 2016, she is a postdoctoral researcher at University of Cagliari where she is working at the project of a complete census of 16th-century editions in Sardinian libraries. For the EMoBookTrade project, she is responsible of the sub-project on the book privileges granted in Venice up to 1603 through the study of the archival records in the Venice State Archive.

Luigi Tessarolo
Luigi Tessarolo, independent scholar, has been ICT Project Manager for many PRIN, FIRB and university projects, concerning latin poetry (websites Poeti d’italia in lingua latina tra medioevo e rinascimento, PRIN 1999 and 2001; Musisque Deoque, PRIN 2005 and 2007; Pedecerto, FIRB 2008), spanish literature (Miguel de Cervantes, Novelas ejemplares, PRIN 2004; La Pícara Justina, 2015; EPIGRAMA, 2017), the XVIII century drama for music (Pietro Metastasio, Drammi per musica, PRIN 1998; Carlo Goldoni, Drammi per musica, PRIN 2001; Libretti d’opera, 2002; Varianti all’opera, FIRB 2008), the Franco-Italian literature (RIALFrI, 2012), Ancient Greek epigraphy (AXON, 2015). In EMoBookTrade he is in charge for the technical-IT support.

Lisa Barbiani
Lisa Barbiani is EMoBookTrade Project Manager. Graduated in Foreign Languages and Literature (English – Spanish, 2004), since 2012 she is collaborating with the University of Udine in the management and financial reporting of European projects (mainly ERC projects).

Stefania Scuderi
Stefania Scuderi is the administrative manager of the Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods. Graduated in Political Science in 2005, she has ten years of experience in a large academic institution and a track record of delivering cost-effective and high performance solutions to meet the institution needs.It’s out! Today is publication day for Gender and the Book Trades, from the conference of the same name in June 2021. Huge thanks to everyone who contributed and read drafts of this behemoth's xxii + 492 pages. We are so proud of it and hope you enjoy.
First monograph about the greatest publisher in Italian!
Antwerp Seminar of the EMoBookTrade Project, Auditorium of the Museum Plantin-Moretus, Antwerp, 26 August 2021
On 13 Nov 2020 at 2pm (CET) Angela Nuovo & Andrea Ottone will discuss Sacrobosco’s Sphere with Stefano Gulizia, Elio Nenci and Matteo Valleriani at the Milano Book City. Be sure to sign up here
International Conference Reshaping the Early Modern Book World: Competition, Protection, Consumption, University of Milan, postponed, date to be confirmed.
Angela Nuovo, Andrea Ottone, Erika Squassina, I privilegi librari nella prima età moderna fra tutela dell’editoria e disciplina dei contenuti, Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, 10 December 2019