- Erika Squassina, Privilegi librari ed edizioni privilegiate nella Repubblica di Venezia (1566-1603), Milano, Milano University Press, 2024. Open access article licensed under CC-BY
- Andrea Ottone, Censura, commercio e privilegi librari a Roma. Il caso di Alessandro Prestino (1596), Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2024. Open access article licensed under CC-BY
- Renaud Milazzo, Labor et Constantia. Christophe Plantin e il mercato europeo del libro (1555-1589), Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2024. Open access article licensed under CC-BY
- Angela Nuovo, Joran Proot, and Diane Booton (eds.), Competition in the European Book Market: Prices and privileges (fifteenth-seventeenth centuries) (Antwerpen: Vereniging van Antwerpse Bibliofielen, 2023) (De Gulden Passer, 100(2), 1-314, 2023) Open access article licensed under CC-BY
- Angela Nuovo, Joran Proot, and Diane Booton, ‘Early modern book prices lost and found’, in Angela Nuovo, Joran Proot, and Diane Booton (eds.), Competition in the European Book Market: Prices and privileges (fifteenth-seventeenth centuries) (Antwerpen: Vereniging van Antwerpse Bibliofielen, 2023) (De Gulden Passer, 100(2), 1-314, 2023), pp. 7-11. Open access article licensed under CC-BY
- Francesco Ammannati & Joran Proot, ‘Book prices from the Officina Plantiniana 13 in a comparative perspective (1586–1631)’, in Angela Nuovo, Joran Proot, and Diane Booton (eds.), Competition in the European Book Market: Prices and privileges (fifteenth-seventeenth centuries) (Antwerpen: Vereniging van Antwerpse Bibliofielen, 2023) (De Gulden Passer, 100(2), 1-314, 2023), pp. 13-25. Open access article licensed under CC-BY
- Saskia Limbach, ‘Sales and trading in Frankfurt: Feyerabend’s prices in perspective (1565–1597)’, in Angela Nuovo, Joran Proot, and Diane Booton (eds.), Competition in the European Book Market: Prices and privileges (fifteenth-seventeenth centuries) (Antwerpen: Vereniging van Antwerpse Bibliofielen, 2023) (De Gulden Passer, 100(2), 1-314, 2023), pp. 27-67. Open access article licensed under CC-BY
- Renaud Milazzo, ‘Le marché des livres juridiques à Lyon et à Venise au XVIe siècle’, in Angela Nuovo, Joran Proot, and Diane Booton (eds.), Competition in the European Book Market: Prices and privileges (fifteenth-seventeenth centuries) (Antwerpen: Vereniging van Antwerpse Bibliofielen, 2023) (De Gulden Passer, 100(2), 1-314, 2023), pp. 69-146. Open access article licensed under CCBY
- Angela Nuovo and Francesca De Battisti, ‘The price of books in early modern Venice (1586–1600: A statistical analysis’, in Angela Nuovo, Joran Proot, and Diane Booton (eds.), Competition in the European Book Market: Prices and privileges (fifteenth-seventeenth centuries) (Antwerpen: Vereniging van Antwerpse Bibliofielen, 2023) (De Gulden Passer, 100(2), 1-314, 2023), pp. 147-192. Open access article licensed under CC-BY
- Francesco Ammannati, ‘Notes on Venetian monetary history from the medieval to the early modern era’, in Angela Nuovo, Joran Proot, and Diane Booton (eds.), Competition in the European Book Market: Prices and privileges (fifteenth-seventeenth centuries) (Antwerpen: Vereniging van Antwerpse Bibliofielen, 2023) (De Gulden Passer, 100(2), 1-314, 2023), pp. 193-202. Open access article licensed under CC-BY
- Andrea Ottone, ‘Renaissance publishers, market risks and empirical methods of assessment A revised interpretation of Bernardo di Bernardo Giunti’s 1600–1643 catalogue’, in Angela Nuovo, Joran Proot, and Diane Booton (eds.), Competition in the European Book Market: Prices and privileges (fifteenth-seventeenth centuries) (Antwerpen: Vereniging van Antwerpse Bibliofielen, 2023) (De Gulden Passer, 100(2), 1-314, 2023), pp. 203–234. Open access article licensed under CC-BY
- Erika Squassina, ‘The protection of the printing industry in Venice (1560–1580)’, in Angela Nuovo, Joran Proot, and Diane Booton (eds.), Competition in the European Book Market: Prices and privileges (fifteenth-seventeenth centuries) (Antwerpen: Vereniging van Antwerpse Bibliofielen, 2023) (De Gulden Passer, 100(2), 1-314, 2023), pp. 235-151. Open access article licensed under CC-BY
- Diane E. Booton, ‘An analysis of book prices in Paris: The first bookseller’s catalogue of Simon de Colines, c. 1540’, in Angela Nuovo, Joran Proot, and Diane Booton (eds.), Competition in the European Book Market: Prices and privileges (fifteenth-seventeenth centuries) (Antwerpen: Vereniging van Antwerpse Bibliofielen, 2023) (De Gulden Passer, 100(2), 1-314, 2023), pp. 253-166. Open access article licensed under CCBy
- Joran Proot, ‘The economic revolution in book design that went unnoticed. The case of the Southern Netherlands, 1473–c. 1550’, in Giampiero Nigro (ed.), L’economia della conoscenza: innovazione, produttività e crescita economica nei secoli XIII-XVIII / The knowledge economy: innovation, productivity and economic growth, 13th to 18th century (Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2023), pp. 287-314DOI:
- Andrea Ottone, ‘Market assessment and risk prediction: resources and know-how of a seventeenth-century bookseller of Venice coping with competition’, in Giampiero Nigro (ed.), L’economia della conoscenza: innovazione, produttività e crescita economica nei secoli XIII-XVIII / The knowledge economy: innovation, productivity and economic growth, 13th to 18th century (Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2023), pp. 315-330DOI:
- Angela Nuovo, ‘Book Privileges in the Early Modern Age: From Trade Protection and Promotion to Content Regulation’, in Montserrat Cachero and Natalia Maillard-Álvarez (eds.), Book Markets in Mediterranean Europe and Latin America: Institutions and Strategies (15th-18th Centuries) (Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2023), pp. 21-33
DOI: - Andrea Ottone ‘Serving the Church, Feeding the Academia: The Giunta and Their Market-Oriented Approach to European Institutions’ in Montserrat Cachero and Natalia Maillard-Álvarez (eds.), Book Markets in Mediterranean Europe and Latin America: Institutions and Strategies (15th-18th Centuries) (Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2023), pp. 91-118
DOI: - Angela Nuovo and Renaud Milazzo, ‘Yann Sordet, Histoire du livre et de l’édition. Production et circulation, formes et mutations (Paris, Albin Michel, 2021), 798 p.’, Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 78 (2023), pp. 547-549
DOI: - Renaud Milazzo, ‘International Sales of Tridentine Emblems Books by the Antwerp Officina Plantiniana: The Case of Father Joannes David at the Beginning of the Seventeenth Century’, in Renaud Adam, Rosa De Marco, and Malcolm Walsby (eds.), Books and Prints at the Heart of the Catholic Reformation in the Low Countries (16th–17th centuries), (Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2023), pp. 61-77
DOI: - Renaud Milazzo, ‘Les enjeux économiques du choix du papier dans la politique éditoriale de Christophe Plantin’, in PapierS, nouvelle de l’association française pour l’histoire et l’étude du papier & des papeteries, 17, (Montreuil, Janvier 2023), pp. 2-9
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7620829
- Andrea Ottone and Erika Squassina, ‘The Early Modern Book Trade Project: Premises, Objectives, Methodologies and Resources’, DigItalia 2 (2022), pp. 61-77 DOI:
- Erika Squassina, Privilegi librari ed edizioni privilegiate nella Repubblica di Venezia (1527-1565), (Milano, Milano University Press, 2022)
Open access book licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND: - Matteo Valleriani and Andrea Ottone (eds), Publishing Sacrobosco’s De sphaera in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (Cham, Springer, 2022)
DOI: - Matteo Valleriani and Andrea Ottone, ‘Printers, Publishers, and Sellers: Actors in the Process of Consolidation of Epistemic Communities in the Early Modern Academic World’, in Matteo Valleriani and Andrea Ottone (eds), Publishing Sacrobosco’s De sphaera in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (Cham, Springer, 2022), pp. 1-23
DOI: - Andrea Ottone, ‘The Giunta’s Publishing and Distributing Network and Their Supply to the European Academic Market’, in Matteo Valleriani and Andrea Ottone (eds), Publishing Sacrobosco’s De sphaera in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (Cham, Springer, 2022), pp. 255-288
- Angela Nuovo and Laura Pani, ‘Trading in books in time of plague (1522)’, 12, 1 (January 2021), pp. 142-150Open access article licensed under CC-BY
DOI: 10.4403/ - Goran Proot, ‘The Transformation of the Typical Page in the Handpress Era in the Southern Netherlands, 1473–1800’, in Ku-ming (Kevin) Chang, Anthony Grafton and Glenn W. Most (eds), Impagination: Layout and Materiality of Writing and Publication. Interdisciplinary Approaches from East and West (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021), pp. 237–272
- Giliola Barbero, Luigi Tessarolo, Angela Nuovo, Francesco Ammannati, Francesca De Battisti, Renaud Milazzo, Andrea Ottone, Goran Proot, Erika Squassina, ‘The Database of the EMoBookTrade Project. A Proposal to Encode Early Modern Book Prices and Privileges’, 11, 2 (May 2020), pp. 108-132Open access article licensed under CC-BY
DOI: 10.4403/ - Saskia Limbach, ‘New Approaches to OCR for Early Printed Books’, DigItalia 2 (2020), pp. 74-87 (with Nikolaus Weichselbaumer, Mathias Seuret, Rui Dong, Manuel Burghardt, Vincent Christlein)Open access article licensed under CC-BY
DOI: 10.36181/digitalia-00015 - Saskia Limbach, ‘Proof of Concept: Automatic Type Recognition’, in R. H. Reussner, A. Koziolek und R. Heinrich (ed), Informatik (2020), pp. 1307-1316 (with Nikolaus Weichselbaumer, Mathias Seuret, Vincent Christlein)Open access article licensed under CC-BY
DOI: 10.18420/inf2020_122 - Angela Nuovo, ‘Le prime edizioni della Gerusalemme liberata (1580-1581) nel contesto della legislazione cinquecentesca sulla stampa’, in Alberto Petrucciani, Valentina Sestini and Federico Valacchi (ed.), Libri, biblioteche e società (Macerata: EUM Edizioni Università di Macerata, 2020), pp. 141-159Open access article licensed under CC-BY
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4282655 - Goran Proot and James Raven, ‘Renaissance and Reformation’, in James Raven (ed), The Oxford Illustrated History of the Book (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020), 137–168
- Goran Proot, Yann Sordet and Christophe Vellet (eds), A century of typographical excellence. Christophe Plantin and the Officina Plantiniana (1555–1655) = Un siècle d’excellence typographique. Christophe Plantin and son officine (1555–1655) (Paris: Éditions des Cendres, Bibliothèque Mazarine and Cultura Fonds Library, 2020)
- Goran Proot and Yann Sordet, ‘Preface. Typographic expediency and seduction: the first century of the Officina Plantiniana = Préface: efficacité et séduction typographique: le premier siècle de l’officine plantinienne’, in Goran Proot, Yann Sordet and Christophe Vellet (eds), A century of typographical excellence. Christophe Plantin and the Officina Plantiniana (1555–1655) = Un siècle d’excellence typographique. Christophe Plantin and son officine (1555–1655) (Paris: Éditions des Cendres, Bibliothèque Mazarine and Cultura Fonds Library, 2020), pp. 6–13
- Goran Proot, ‘The Officina Plantiniana from “Renaissance” tot “Baroque”: a typographical transition (1555–1670) = L’Officina Plantiniana de la “Renaissance” à l’age “baroque”: une transition typographique (1555–1670)’, in Goran Proot, Yann Sordet and Christophe Vellet (eds), A century of typographical excellence. Christophe Plantin and the Officina Plantiniana (1555–1655) = Un siècle d’excellence typographique. Christophe Plantin and son officine (1555–1655) (Paris: Éditions des Cendres, Bibliothèque Mazarine and Cultura Fonds Library, 2020), pp. 50–97
- Renaud Milazzo, ‘In the mind of a publisher. Establishing the price of emblem books in Antwerp in the sixteenth century’, in Nina Lamal and J. Christopher Warner (eds), Christophe Plantin 1520-2020. Studies of the Officina Plantiniana at the quincentennial of Plantin’s birth. De Gulden Passer/The Golden Compasses 98 (2020), pp. 183-202
- Renaud Milazzo,« Les enjeux économiques du choix du format et du papier dans la politique éditoriale de Christophe Plantin (1555-1589)/The economic stakes in the choice of bibliographic format and paper in the publishing policy of Christophe Plantin (1555-1589) », in Goran Proot, Yann Sordet and Christophe Vellet (eds), A century of typographical excellence. Christophe Plantin and the Officina Plantiniana (1555–1655) = Un siècle d’excellence typographique. Christophe Plantin and son officine (1555–1655) (Paris: Éditions des Cendres, Bibliothèque Mazarine and Cultura Fonds Library, 2020), pp. 142-191
- Angela Nuovo, ‘Discussion of Anna Maria Raugei, Gian Vincenzo Pinelli e la sua biblioteca’, Nuovi Annali Della Scuola Speciale Per Archivisti E Bibliotecari 33 (2019), pp. 496-498Open access article licensed under CC-BY
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3601541 - Angela Nuovo, ‘La stampa a Ferrara e l’edizione Bonnà della Liberata’, in Valentina Sonzini (ed), Cominus et Eminus: La tipografia alla campana. Annali di Vittorio Baldini e delle sue eredi (Ferrara, 1575-1621) (Milano: Biblion Edizioni, 2019), pp. 11-19Open access article licensed under CC-BY
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3581191 - Goran Proot, ‘Shifting Price Levels Of Books Produced At The Officina Plantiniana In Antwerp, 1580–1655’, in Massimo Rospocher, Jeroen Salman and Hannu Salmi (eds), Crossing Borders, Crossing Cultures (Berlin: De Gryter, 2019), pp. 89-108
- Erika Squassina and Andrea Ottone (eds), Privilegi librari nell’Italia del Rinascimento (Milano: Franco Angeli, 2019)Open access article licensed under CC-BY - Angela Nuovo, ‘Le politiche legislative sulla stampa in età moderna’, in Erika Squassina and Andrea Ottone (eds), Privilegi librari nell’Italia del Rinascimento (Milano: Franco Angeli, 2019), pp. 9–16Open access article licensed under CC-BY - Francesco Ammannati, ‘I privilegi come strumento di politica economica nell’Italia della prima età moderna’, in Erika Squassina and Andrea Ottone (eds), Privilegi librari nell’Italia del Rinascimento (Milano: Franco Angeli, 2019), pp. 17–38Open access article licensed under CC-BY - Angela Nuovo, Paola Arrigoni, ‘Privilegi librari nello Stato di Milano (sec. XV-XVI)’, in Erika Squassina and Andrea Ottone (eds), Privilegi librari nell’Italia del Rinascimento (Milano: Franco Angeli, 2019), pp. 67–101Open access article licensed under CC-BY - Andrea Ottone, ‘Il privilegio del Messale riformato. Roma e Venezia fra censura espurgatoria e tensioni commerciali’, in Erika Squassina and Andrea Ottone (eds), Privilegi librari nell’Italia del Rinascimento (Milano: Franco Angeli, 2019), pp. 289–329Open access article licensed under CC-BY - Erika Squassina, ‘I privilegi librari a Venezia (1469-1545)’, in Erika Squassina and Andrea Ottone (eds), Privilegi librari nell’Italia del Rinascimento (Milano: Franco Angeli, 2019), pp. 331–399Open access article licensed under CC-BY
- Giovanna Granata and Angela Nuovo (eds), Selling and Collecting: Printed Book Sale Catalogues and Private Libraries in Early Modern Europe (Macerata: EUM Edizioni Università di Macerata, 2018)Open access article licensed under CC-BY - Goran Proot, David McKitterick, Angela Nuovo and Paul F. Gehl (eds), Lux Librorum: Essays on books and history for Chris Coppens (Mechelen: Flanders Book Historical Society, 2018)
- Angela Nuovo,‘Transferring humanism: The edition of Vitruvius by Lucimborgo de Gabiano (Lyon 1523)’, in Goran Proot, David McKitterick, Angela Nuovo and Paul F. Gehl (eds), Lux Librorum: Essays on books and history for Chris Coppens (Mechelen: Flanders Book Historical Society, 2018), pp. 17-37Open access article licensed under CC-BY
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1487999 - Giles Mandelbrote and Goran Proot,‘Prices for Spanish and Latin books published by Martinus Nutius I, ca. 1558’, in Goran Proot, David McKitterick, Angela Nuovo and Paul F. Gehl (eds), Lux Librorum: Essays on books and history for Chris Coppens (Mechelen: Flanders Book Historical Society, 2018), pp. 65-122Open access article licensed under CC-BY
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2537330 - Christian Coppens and Angela Nuovo, ‘Printed catalogues of booksellers as a source for the history of the book trade’, 9, 2 (May 2018), pp. 166–178Open access article licensed under CC-BY
DOI: 10.4403/ - Francesco Ammannati, ‘Book prices and monetary issues in Renaissance Europe’, 9, 2 (May 2018), pp. 179–191Open access article licensed under CC-BY
DOI: 10.4403/ - Goran Proot, ‘Damned Usury, “Cologne”, “1715”: Delusion or Bona Fide? Typographical Evolution on Title Pages in the Southern Netherlands in the Eighteenth Century and Its Potential as a Means of Identification’, Livre et civilisation (2018), pp. 287–333
- Goran Proot, ‘The Pricing Policy of the Officina Plantiniana, 1580–1655’, in Dirk Imhof, Paul van Capelleveen, Goran Proot et al. (eds) Balthasar Moretus and the Passion of Publishing (Kontich: BAI & Museum Plantin-Moretus, 2018), pp. 32–44
- Goran Proot, ‘Prices in Robert Estienne’s booksellers’ catalogues (Paris 1541-1552): a statistical analysis’, 9, 2 (May 2018), pp. 192–221Open access article licensed under CC-BY
DOI: 10.4403/ - Giliola Barbero, ‘Ordinary and extraordinary prices in the Giolito Libri spirituali sales List’, 9, 2 (May 2018), pp. 222–264Open access article licensed under CC-BY
DOI: 10.4403/ - Flavia Bruni, ‘Peace at the Lily. The De Franceschi section in the stockbook of Bernardino Giunti’, 9, 2 (May 2018), pp. 265–279Open access article licensed under CC-BY
DOI: 10.4403/
- Giliola Barbero and Adriana Paolini, Le edizioni antiche di Bernardino Telesio: censimento e storia, Paris: Les Belles Lettres 2017 (Collection Giordano Bruno. Documents/essais, V)
- Francesco Ammannati and Angela Nuovo, ‘Investigating Book Prices in Early Modern Europe: Questions and Sources’, 8, 3 (September 2017), pp. 1–25Open access article licensed under CC-BY
DOI: 10.4403/ - Goran Proot, Metamorfose. Typografische evolutie van het handgedrukte boek in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden, 1473–1541 (Antwerpen: Vereniging van Antwerpse Bibliofielen, 2017)
- Goran Proot, ‘Discussion of Dirk Imhof, Jan Moretus I and the continuation of the Plantin Press’, De Gulden Passer 95 (2017), pp. 184–187
- Erika Squassina, ‘La protezione del Furioso: Ariosto e il sistema dei privilegi in Italia’, 6 (2017), 1, pp. 9–38Open access article licensed under CC-BY
DOI: 10.6092/issn.2283-9364/7024Privilegi librari ed edizioni privilegiate nella Repubblica di Venezia (1566-1603)Privilegi librari ed edizioni privilegiate nella Repubblica di Venezia (1566-1603)Milano University Pres
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EMoBookTrade – Final Conference – Milano, 30-31 May & June 2022
Giulia Giannini & Stefano Gulizia – Università di Milano – TACITROOTS
“Viral science: The Accademia del Cimento as print culture (c. 1660–1680)”
EMoBookTrade – Final Conference – Milano, 30-31 May & June 2022
Doris Gruber – Austrian Academy of Science
“German-language travelogues and the book market. Interconnections and specializations”
EMoBookTrade – Final Conference – Milano, 30-31 May & June 2022
Kevin M. Stevens – University of Nevada, Reno
“Deciphering the Antoni-de Franceschi partnership in Milan (c. 1588–1590)”
EMoBookTrade – Final Conference – Milano, 30-31 May & June 2022
Manuela Bragagnolo – Università di Trento
“Authority and authorship of normative books in early modern times: The ‘invention’ of the author of Martin Azpilcueta’s Manual de confessores”
EMoBookTrade – Final Conference – Milano, 30-31 May & June 2022
Mona Garloff – University of Innsbruck
“How to sell used books? Second-hand book trade in early 18th-century Central Europe”
EMoBookTrade – Final Conference – Milano, 30-31 May & June 2022
Andreas P. Bassett – University of Washington, Seattle
“The evolution of playbook titles in the early modern London book trade (1576–1660)”